Did you know today, September 29, is National Coffee Day?!?
If you haven’t celebrated already and want to, here’s a few places that are offering free coffee today according to USA Today!
Peet’s Coffee & Tea: Free small cup of Peet’s Major Dickason Blend with a purchase of a baked good, oatmeal or fresh food item
Krispy Kreme: Free small coffee and original glazed donut
JetBlue: Traveling JetBlue’s Mint customers receive complimentary espresso brews from the Brooklyn Roasting Company
McDonald’s: Free small McCafé
Staples: If you post a photo on social media with your coffee mug and the hashtag #OfficeMugShot, you are entered in for the chance to win a free pack of coffee
Whole Foods: All month long, you can receive a 12-ounce cup of coffee for 25 cents!
Don’t miss out on your celebrating coffee and get your free coffee today… It only comes once a year!